Upcoming events
Next General Meeting & 5th Annual Meeting and World Forum Conference:
5 – 9 November 2017
Tarkwa, Ghana
For registration please visit: wfurs2017.umat.edu.gh
More information is coming soon on Next Conference: 2017 November
Past events
Next General Meeting & 4th Annual Meeting and World Forum Conference:
28 September – 1 October 2016
St.Petersburg, Russia
Executive Committee Meeting: 13th September 2015
3rd Annual Meeting and World Forum Conference: 14-15 September 2015
Akita University, Japan.
More information on our website page: 2015-Akita
Executive Committee Meeting: 19th October 2014
2nd Annual Meeting and World Forum Conference “Resources and Sustainability”: 19-21 October 2014
Montanuniversitaet Leoben, Austria.
More information on our website page: 2014-Leoben
Executive Committee Meeting: 10 November 2013
First Annual Meeting and World Forum Conference “Resources and Sustainability”: 10-12 November 2013
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet i Trondheim, Norway.
First Executive Committee Meeting: 25th October 2012
As a follow-up activity to the successful kick-off meeting of the World Forum of the Universities of Resources on Sustainability in June an executive committee has been formed.
Members of the executive committee represent resources universities from across the world and from all five continents. The committee will steer future activities undertaken by the forum and will come together for the first time on 25 October 2012.
The premises of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research in Berlin, Germany.
Kick-off Meeting to Create a World Forum of Universities of Resources
on Sustainability: 10 to 12 June 2012
Sustainability awareness concerning raw materials has grown considerably in many countries albeit partly in different directions. The TU Bergakademie Freiberg and the Mining University St. Petersburg – think that it is time for an international discussion on how the influence and position of the universities of resources around the world could be strengthened in society, industry and politics, and how we could further improve international education in sustainability issues. Therefore, creating a World Forum of Universities of Resources on Sustainability was proposed.
More than 50 international Universities of Resources joined the Kick-Off-Meeting to be among the founders of the World Forum.
Also representatives from UNESCO joined the meeting.